Special Forces Prototype Parachutist Badge

Basic Parachutist
Item #DP-sf-wing-basic

Senior Parachutist
Item #DP-sf-wing-senior

Master Parachutist
Item #DP-sf-wing-master
Designed in 1979 in three classes, same as regular jump wings, by SGM George H. Kuchen and SFC Ronald G. Brown and submitted three times, 1979, 1980, and 1981, to Dept of the Army for approval as a Special Forces Parachutist Badge, to replace the Silver Wings for SF qualified personnel.
Never Approved. In 1981 it was the 10th Groups Official submission to HQ at Fort Bragg when they had the contest to come up with something special to ID SF Qualification instead of the full flash. End result the current SF Tab. General Lutz liked that better.
The original prototypes were made by Phillips Military Surplus in Brookhaven Mississippi.